Nirucon Productions

Nirucon Productions

Creative Currents of Nicklas Rudolfsson aka NIRU

ᚾ · ᚱ

Welcome to my domain, Below, you will find more about the mind behind this creation. In the Bandcamp player at the top of the page, you can listen to the music I have been part of shaping. Press the random button to summon another track.

NIRUCON embodies a philosophy of shadowed artistry, where NIRU channels the creator's identity, and CON, the Creative Obscure Nihilism.

The essence of NIRUCON lies in its delicate balance between the personal and the existential. It intertwines the human identity (NIRU) with a philosophical exploration of the unknown and the meaningless (CON). Through this union, creation becomes an act of shaping the incomprehensible - a journey where the obscure and the nihilistic transform into spaces of profound expression. It serves as a reminder that even in darkness and chaos, something beautiful and unique can emerge.

NIRUCON manifests as a shamanic rhythm moving through the hidden depths of the underground - a creative force suspended in the liminal space of the middle world. It summons echoes of the primal and the forgotten, weaving sonic rituals where music and noise transcend artistry to become a communion with the unseen. In this realm, creation is not an act of beauty, but an offering to the eternal void, where the mysterious and the infinite entwine.



Upcoming Live Performances

May 3, 2025 - NIRU & LUSSIDOTTER
Dödsmässa, Uddevalla, Sweden

Please note that I have changed the Bandcamp address of my NIRU project to, and therefore the old address,, is no longer in use!

Two Paths Converge: NIRU & LUSSIDOTTER, and the Echo of "ING"


January 27, 2025

The journey splits and weaves, yet all threads remain connected. Two creations now emerge from the shadows, each bearing its own spirit, its own truth.

The first is born from my collaboration (as NIRU) together with LUSSIDOTTER, we are crafting a full-length album - a restless entity of over 10 tracks that flows through dark ambient chasms, primal rhythms, and cold black metal edges, entwined with hypnotic voices and poetic threads. But even as this larger work takes shape, one piece has already completed its metamorphosis.

"Kom Hädan" is the fourth track recorded but the first to be released. It calls out like an ancient force, both relentless and warm, commanding us to leave behind what we know and step into the unknown. A passage, a transformation, a thread we must follow. It is no mirror of the full album’s scope but a glimpse into the vast spectrum we are weaving.

Kom Hädan

Kom... Kom... Kom... Se! Se!
Vi följer den tråd, vi går åt!
Vi följer den väg, vi går hän!


Come... come... come... See! See!
We follow the thread, we are spent!
We follow the path, we pass!

Stream or download "Kom Hädan" now at, and let its echoes guide you.

But the journey does not end here...

From my solo depths as NIRU, I have released "ING". This track stands as a reflection of my personal vision, where dark ambient tones meet the resonance of ancient percussion and voices from within. "ING" is not merely a song but a ritual, a summoning of primal energy and meditative power. It is raw yet deliberate, a piece crafted in isolation yet connected to all that I create.

"ING" echoes like a heartbeat in the void, its pulse relentless yet grounding.

A Creative Dawn: New Projects Taking Shape

January 16, 2025

In my solo project NIRU, I embarked on a new collaborative venture just before New Year 2024 with a woman who goes by the name Lussidotter. Together, we are crafting material that will be released under the name NIRU & LUSSIDOTTER. What began as simple, raw sketches of demos has turned into an intensely creative journey between us, now swelling into something larger... potentially the length of a full album. While the material was initially focused on demo groundwork, it may well evolve into a debut album in its own right. Time will tell.

As for the style, the project inhabits a loosely defined framework. A blend of minimal, primitive black metal-infused passages, dark ambient soundscapes, and slow, desolate interludes, with touches of improvisation and poetry woven throughout. It’s undoubtedly an exciting project, one that leaves us eager to continue collaborating in the future. We’re in the midst of recording now and plan to release a pre-taste of some kind soon, though the exact form and timing remain undecided.

On another note, I’m also working on a new album with Runemagick, with more details to come as the year unfolds.

This year has begun with a surge of creativity, and I hope that energy carries through to everything ahead. There are flows of inspiration already stirring that will come to life later in the year through other projects as well, including Draugurinn & NIRU, Doula Infernum, and Unformulas.

Summary of 2024: Creative Currents

December 21, 2024

The longest night embraces us all. I wish you a meaningful Midvinterblot - a time to honor the turning of time and the ancient, quiet mysteries of the season. May the coming holidays bring both solace and light amid the deepening darkness.

As 2024 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on my musical and creative journey this year. I haven’t been as active as in the past, but perhaps that’s natural when you’re 50+ and life moves at a slightly "calmer pace" (?). I’ve also spent a lot of time offline, enjoying the forests and nature, while balancing life with my kids and the daily demands of work.

This year, I performed live three times and have one more show coming up next week, bringing the total to four (not that many, I know haha but it feels like more than enough for me). These included two performances with Doula Infernum and two with the Draugurinn & NIRU collaboration. Playing more ambient music live has been a different but rewarding experience.

We also recorded several rough demos with Doula Infernum, which we’ve released on Bandcamp and other platforms. Dísa (Draugurinn) and I recorded a few of our collaborative sessions during rehearsals for our performances, perhaps they might evolve into something in the future (?) Additionally, I’ve likely recorded at least ten demo tracks for my ambient solo project, NIRU. Some of these made it to Bandcamp (and were later removed), but one piece is currently available. Maybe next year I’ll work on more proper recordings, but nothing is set in stone yet.

On the metal side of things, I recorded the music for Unformulas second full-length album back in the summer of 2023. The plan was to finalize vocals and mixing this year, but it didn’t happen. David has recorded vocals for half the album and plans to finish soon. There’s no rush, though, as our debut album and the following EP/split were released relatively close together. I’m optimistic that our second album will see the light of day sometime in 2025.

This year, I also completed writing the music for another full-length album with one of my older bands/projects. If all goes as planned, we’ll record and release it next year, more on that in the future...

One of my former bands, Sacramentum, has been very active in recent years, though I’m no longer involved as their drummer as I was in the past. But in December, they released a remixed and reissued version of The Coming of Chaos (recorded 1997), and it turned out really well. I’ve also contributed with intro, several ambient interludes, and outro that they’ll use live during their upcoming December show and next year’s tours. So, while I’m no longer in the band, I still contribute to it in the background.

Beyond my own projects, I’ve been involved in organizing two Dödsmässa live events, booking multiple bands and ARTists for these events.

Overall, 2024 has been a relatively productive year creatively, both for me and the projects I’m part of. Looking ahead to 2025, my main focus will be on recording a new album, but I expect more recordings and a few live performances to follow...

Thanks to everyone who listens to and supports the bands and projects I’m involved in!

Nicklas Rudolfsson

Featured Releases

A select few, in no particular order.



Welcome to Nirucon Productions, a website where I share my of creative currents as a musician and artist within the underground music scene. My name is Nicklas Rudolfsson, and for most of my life, I’ve been creating music rooted in genres like death, doom, thrash, black metal and dark ambient.

Bands and projects

My current bands and projects, to varying degrees of activity, include Draugurinn & Niru collaboration (dark ambient, death industrial, ancient pagan percussion), Unformulas (epic death metal), Niru & Lussidotter collaboration (black metal-infused, dark ambient with touches of improvisation and poetry), Doula Infernum (folk dark ambient 'metal'), The Funeral Orchestra (funeral death), Runemagick (death doom), NIRU (ambient etc), Terminal Funeral Omega (solo kind of spin-off dark ambient / death industrial project of The Funeral Orchestra and NIRU) Gravfraktal (death metal, currently on hold) och Visionary Vexations Vibrations (dark ambient improvisation, currently on hold). Dessutom har jag varit med i flera tidigare band och projekt såsom Sacramentum, Necrocurse, Heavydeath, Rotified, Utter Obscurity, Eternal Pain, Masticator och många fler.

About me

I was born and raised on the west coast of Sweden, and music has always been a huge part of my life. Over the years, I’ve been involved in numerous bands and projects, spending a lot of time rehearsing, recording, performing live, and collaborating with other artists. These days, my focus has shifted a bit more toward personal projects, allowing me to explore different creative directions at my own pace.

Aside from music, I’m a father of three, and they are a big part of my world. I also find a lot of inspiration and peace in nature—whether it’s spending time in the forest or by the sea, these places help me recharge and fuel my creativity.

Nirucon Productions (label)

Through Nirucon Productions, I release music on physical formats when I want and have time for it.



I’m also the founder and co-organizer of Dödsmässa, a local event where underground music and visual art come together. Since it started in 2021, it’s grown into a recurring event, and I’m proud of the community it’s building.

Necrotic Noise

As DJ Necrotic Noise, I get to share some of my favorite metal tracks, from death to doom and "everything" in between. I’m available for bookings.

Necrotic Noise is also the name of my small home studio.

Other services

When time allows, I help others with web design, mixing and mastering music, or creating album covers and logos, though I tend to prefer working on obscure underground music these days. My approach is minimalistic and straightforward, both in life and in my creative work.

More information

For updates on my projects, you can follow the links to my bands and other ventures here on the site. I also post occasionally on Instagram at @nirucon.



Nirucon Productions


Nicklas Rudolfsson
Instagram: @nirucon
Pixelfed: @nirucon